Thursday, February 4, 2010

Internet adoption scam; One of the most heartbreaking schemes we've seen:

With our cameras rolling, see as victims confront the woman who took more than just their money, she stole their dream of adopting a child.

-Internet adoption scam
Internet adoption scam

Families deceivedThe Mantooths and the Colemans figure out they have the same prospective birth mother – and that she might not have had any intention of having her baby adopted.

Families deceived
Families deceived

Dateline meets the woman known on the Internet as "Christy,” who says she's excited to give Lori Coleman her baby, but there's something she needs first: rent.

Meet "Christy"
Meet "Christy"

The Colemans have given Christy their trust -- and hundreds of dollars -- believing she's on the up and up. They aren't going to like what our cameras catch Christy doing next.

All about the money?
All about the money?

Dateline’s Victoria Corderi and the Colemans confront “Christy,” who is actually Amy Ost Cumbee.

Confronting "Christy"
Confronting "Christy"

Why there are few prosecutions for potential Internet scams such as this one. Plus, meet someone else who says he's been a victim of the same woman – her ex-husband.

Is there justice?
Is there justice?

Dateline’s Victoria Corderi and the hopeful adoptive parents, Lori and Chris Coleman, confront the birth mother who led the couple to believe she was going to give up her baby.

A difficult confrontation
A difficult confrontation

Lori Coleman talks about the pain and disappointment of a failed Internet adoption.

Was she scammed?
Was she scammed?

investigation on Net adoption scams and ‘Christy’ wasn’t the end of the story. After our report aired, some viewers recognized her and contacted Dateline with new information. More people came forward to say they too were scammed. And was there even a baby?

More victims, more possible cons
More victims, more possible cons

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